Montag, 18. November 2013

~ Bday BBQ Party ~

Hi everyone back home,

thank you all again for all your lovely emails, texts, facebook & whatsapp messages, even phone calls...! Amazing!! I've got the best family & friends in the world !! :-) :-)

Unfortunately you couldn't be here and although I would have loved to celebrate my birthday with you guys, I couldn't go without a party, right?!?
So, I just had to party 'all night long' *sing*... or better all weekend long with my Australian family & friends... we had a ball! ;-)
There haven't actually been that many photos, as everybody has been to busy eating, drinking, chatting, throwing more firewood into the already biiig fire, singing and then more driiiiinkiiinnng...*haha*

It was a great birthday weekend =) thanks everyone!!

pre-bday-dinner-shots with birthday muffin and a '76 port

my birthday cakes *yumyum*

party people =)


... the aftermath... :p

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