Montag, 5. August 2013

~ Mount Dobson & Tekapo ~

Hi again everybody!! =)

I hear you´re melting away in Europe due to the heat you´re getting up there over the last few weeks and hope you all enjoy the beautiful summertime, swim in the lake and drink lots of Bavarian beer for me!! :)

As I´m on the other side of the world and it´s actually winter here (even though the temperatures don´t really show that) I definitely had to go skiing in New Zealand - and so I did on this last weekend!
We´ve been back to Timaru over the weekend, didn´t stay there though, but I joined Michael´s brother Tim, his girlfriend Kate and some other friends for a skiing trip. So we went to Mt. Dobson and must admit that while it was raining down in the towns, we had a beautiful sunny day as soon as we´ve made it through the clouds up into the ski fields on the mountain. We had a great skiing day, fantastic weather and lots of fun!! =)

Afterwards, Michael met us down at the mountain and we drove further on to Tekapo. There we enjoyed an awesome time at Lake Tekapo with some walks along the lake, relaxed in the hot pools (which was fantasic after a day of skiing) and discovered some Lord of the Rings countryside, didn´t we 'my preciousssss'?

skiing at Mount Dobson

Lake Tekapo and surroundings

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