Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2013

~ More Australia ~

Hi my dear friends,

as you can probably guess, I´m keeping myself busy all the time, so please excuse my rare blogs. But I´m trying my best to keep you up to date... so here you go with some more photos of the last few days - enjoy!

I´ve been to Melbourne again to catch up with a friend of mine, Cameron, who visited us about 2 years ago in Tutzing while he was doing a trip through Europe - so some of you might remember him. I met him and his friend Simon and we spent a great day in Melbourne... with a pancake breakfast, walks along the river and through their "hometown" South Yarra which is actually just another little separate part of Melbourne, lots of chatting and laughing :D  and then a nice dinner to finish a beautiful day :)

I also did a short trip to Bendigo - a really nice city, smiliar to Ballarat, also one of those places that popped up and developed during the Gold Rush and still manages to keep that British Victorian style alive which I like a lot.

The last little photo collage I just made out of some of my shots from the drive to Bendigo and back... but guys, please just look at the scenery and the weather!! It is actually winter here at the moment... I wouldn´t complain if our winters would always be like that! :-P

Until my next post... cya! :)

Melbourne with Cameron & Simon


On the road... Australian winter!!

@ a winery tour (with bus driver) *lol*

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